A backup of a website is a copy of its content, which is kept on a different web server and could be restored if something happens. This option is rather handy, since you can't know if a script update shall not go wrong or if you won't delete something accidentally - a file, a folder, a database entry, etc. When your website is backed up, it may be restored the way it was before the problem appeared, so there won't be any damage, or at least it shall be small, based on the specific situation. Keeping backups on your computer system isn't very feasible, simply because you would need to do it at least once daily and you could still lose info if your last backup is not recent enough. In this light, you'll have to rely on your web hosting provider, so you need to double-check their policy on the backups, as some companies generate backups only once per week, that will do no good if something goes wrong with a website that is being used and updated all the time, like an online store, for instance.
Daily Data Back-up in Cloud Hosting
Because we recognize how vital your Internet site information is, we keep day-to-day backups of all your files and databases, so in case anything breaks down, the site can be restored just the way it was. Also, we create at least 4 independent backups every single day, so what will be restored will be pretty much identical with, if not exactly the same as, what you had before. You'll be able to see the backups right through the File Manager section of your Hepsia Cp and see on what day and at what hour they were created. Then you may just copy the content to the live website folder. On the other hand, you may contact us and we will restore the backup from the preferred date for you. We keep backups regardless of which cloud hosting you have opted for, so you'll never have to bother about losing any part of your web content.
Daily Data Back-up in Semi-dedicated Hosting
As part of our semi-dedicated server packages, we produce regular backup copies of all the sites and databases created on our innovative web hosting platform. Furthermore, this happens not less than four times per day, so you could forget about the old and frequently worthless backups which the majority of hosting companies offer. You'll be able to check out the backup folders in the File Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel, provided with the semi-dedicated accounts. It will take only a couple of clicks to copy the backed-up content to the domain folder where you require it and the saved version of your Internet site shall be live promptly. However, if you're not sure how to proceed, you may always open a trouble ticket and ask for a backup from a given date and time to be restored by our technical support crew. Through our services, you will never have to worry about losing precious information, no matter what.